Fertility & Alternative Family Planning
Family Planning is the process of deciding, as an individual or as a couple, how many children you (and your partner) want to have and how you want to go about accomplishing that goal. Building and implementing your unique family plan is a journey with up and downs. Trying to get pregnant later in life can often involve invasive medical procedures that can become tiring, stressful, and anxiety-provoking over time. Repeated failed cycles can wear on you. You may question your femineity or your value as a mother, partner, and/or woman. And for those of us who experience pregnancy loss, sometimes multiple times over the course of the journey, we find ourselves struggling with grief, anger, self-doubt, and a multitude of other complicated emotions.
We all have different needs; some of us belong to the 10% of heterosexual couples who experience infertility, others may be interested in becoming single parents by the use of donor sperm, donor eggs or via the use of a gestational carrier. Some may want to preserve their fertility by freezing embryos so that they can wait for the right partner, wait for the right time, plan for the future, or focus on their career. Some may want to foster or adopt (or both). Some may not want to have children. If you are a member of the LGBTQ+ community, you may have different needs and challenges.
We recognize that everyone has a different idea of family, and a different experience of the journey there. Our clinicians specialize in helping you learn skills and tools to safely and effectively navigate your journey. Although the journey to familyhood varies so much from person to person, you can rest assured that our clinicians have just as varied an approach to supporting you, utilizing evidence-based techniques to help you plan, prepare, cope, vent, grieve and, ultimately, celebrate the family you’re looking to build.
We recommend different types of therapy for individuals and couples as they look to begin Family Planning. For individuals, we provide mindfulness therapy, Brief Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy (EMDR). We also recommend evidence-based treatment modalities, such as CBT, Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT), Mindfulness-Based Interventions. In couples starting their family plan, partners often respond differently to the stress and grief, which can create conflict in their relationship. Some partners become more withdrawn, while others experience an intensified drive to connect with their partners. We offer Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) to help partners identify and express their emotions in a judgement-free safe space. Lastly, throughout this journey our practice works closely with partners to help clients setup consultations if they seek further/additional medical advice.
During this journey our practice work closely with https://laivfclinic.com/drbayrakfertilityspecialist/ for consultation if any of our clients are seeking for further medical advice.